9 Tips for Designing High Performing Retractable Banner

Salan Khalkho
Last Updated: 12 Nov, 2019

Competitors are fighting fiercely to reach target audience. When every one is doing the same thing, you need to stand out from the crowd so that potential customers can see you. Only then you have a chance to show how your product or service can help the target audience. This article will look at 9 things you need to keep in mind to design a high performing Retractable Banner.

Retractable Roll Up Banner Stands are portable and versatile tool for marketing and getting the word out about your products. But owning a Retractable Banner is one thing and using them effectively that drives significant result is another thing. Here are 9 points that you should follow to design an effective Retractable Banner that drives customers to your store or trade-show booth and increases sales. 

The right size of Retractable Banner

Retractable Roll Up Banner Stands are versatile that can be used over an over. The right size of Retractable Banner depends on the distance from where the potential customers are going to see it. The size should be large enough that potential customers can notice it from a distance only then they can easily read the marketing message and will be drawn to it. If the message is not clearly visible, they are not going to take the pain to stop by to focus on what's written. The size also depends on where you are going to place the Retractable Banner. If there is enough space, the bigger the better. 

Start with branding

When you are designing the Retractable Banner, make sure you start with the key message as the headline and the logo. This is the first thing the potential customers are going to see. The logo should be placed in the top section. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different logo placement and sizing to check what works best in sending message across clearly. 

Use large fonts 

Use large text on your Retractable Banner to make it easier for the audience to read it. Reserve the biggest font size for the main message. You can use a variety of font size to  organize the written content in the order of their importance. But make sure that even the smallest font you use is clearly visible from a distance. 

Less text is better

Don’t over crowd the Retractable Banner with unnecessary information. Less is always more when its about conveying your message powerfully to the client. Think of one most important thing you want to achieve from Retractable Banner. Include only the most important messages in the banner and all of them should work to inspire the audience. The purpose of the banner is to only stir up the  curiosity. Once the prospect is interested in the product or service, you can provide more information in a face-to-face conversations or through website. Too much of text on the Retractable Banner will make it hard for the potential customer to understand your offerings. 

Include a call to action 

Call-to-action are short phrases that tells the prospects to take some action that helps them move in the sales funnel or leads to qualified sales. It can encourage the audience to buy the product, visit the website, try samples, or follow the brand on social media or more. Call to actions are usually placed at the bottom. But are the most important aspect of any banner so don’t be afraid to give it a generous space on the banner and make it prominent sot that it stands out from the other content. 

Use the colors to your advantage

The selection of colors and their judicious use on the Retractable Banner are very important. Carefully planned color scheme will make your Retractable Banner stand out from the competition and draw the attention of potential customers. The banner background can be white or can have some color, but whatever you decide should depend on the surrounding that makes it easier for the visitors to notice the banner. 

Salan Khalkho
Salan Khalkho is the Content Head at InboundNation.com and a serial blogger who has helped several blogs achieve millions of traffic per month. He has over 8 years of content marketing experience and has led the content marketing strategy for 200+ companies. He also owns and runs several successful websites in a variety of niches.

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